As the middle of the week approaches, I find myself looking back. I look back at my four years of high school, and I remember my freshman year, then my sophomore, and then junior. And suddenly I feel an overwhelming surge of regret. I regret not doing the service program earlier. I regret not being out here helping other people. Tonight's reflection gave me an overwhelming reminder that this service work is something that needs to be done in matter what, and whether or not you enjoy the work you're doing, you do it because you care. Everything that we do, from placing dry wall into a family's home too sorting Mardi Gras beads to be recycled, is important to someone. This reminder humbles me, and reminds me of a quote Mr. Kane said near the beginning of this year. He said "At the end of your experience this year, don't have that thought that you wish you could have done more."
I am so grateful to be here this week and to have this experience with all these wonderful people. I can't wait to see where this week takes me.
So proud of you Meredith!